A big woman like me now looking to correct my progressively shifting teeth Disclaimer:I am not a Doctor.If you want a professional opinion open the phone book and make an appointment.My blog,my experience,my opinion.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
The Dentist
A short inspection and a few xrays later confirmed that I had 3 cavities that needed to be filled! Two of the three were actually in that one problem spot that both myself and Dr.2 thought was suspicious. The dentist told me that the one cavity had spread between the two teeth and that it was so large that it was almost a root canal. Funnily enough I have not been in any pain. At that point I made my decision that Dr.2 would be my orthodontist of choice. I had lost all confidence in Dr.1 as I felt that the cavity should have been picked up 3 years ago with their xrays especially since I had highlighted the area. That along with the fact that during my follow up consulatation no inspection/xray was done to observe changes in my tooth structure and I was not even referred to a dentist for a checkup/ cleaning.Maybe they meant to do that after my records were taken..I'll never know.
So I proceeded with my tooth cleaning and was rescheduled to get my cavities filled. The cleaning and the xrays came up to $660! The cavities would cost a total of $1500 to fill ($500/filling).My friend warned me that this dentist was the uptown destist. It was necessary work that would have to be done whether or not I was getting braces and I have dental insurance so I figured I would have to bite the bullet. The practice also has a reputation for having some of the most advanced equipment in the country so I felt safe enough. I left the dentist with a cup in hand to spit out my saliva as it came along. I got a flouride treatment with which they tell you that you can't swallow for half hour. Telling me not to swallow is like telling me not to breathe...it was the worse. Yuh spitting amd yuh dribbling everywhere.
Unfortunately the unexpected expense of the tooth repair is going to set me back financially in terms of when I get the braces put on. I have no idea how I am going to work it out.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Dr Number Two I presume...
Shortly thereafter I was greeted by some friendly staff who explained that they would be taking the "before" pictures of my teeth to help with the consultation. They had a seperate adjustment center with four stations where several people could be placed to do required maintenance.
I was then ushered into the doctor's office where a full visual inspection in the chair was done by the doctor. I was surprised to see that my photos had already been uploaded to my patient file on the computer which was networked to the office. I advised the Doctor that I was checking out several doctors out of courtesy. I was advised that I would not need extractions and treatment would take about two years. She assured me that she was being more realistic than the other doctor.I was also suprised when she told me that she suspected I had a large cavity that needed to be filled before we could progress further. Then I got pissed....Why? Three years ago when I first visited Dr.1 and took xrays I had mentioned that I suspected I had a cavity in the location that Dr.2 was now suspicious of. Dr.1 dismissed my concern and said that it was ok. I also dismissed it as I put it down to my pet peeve of having things stuck between my teeth and my frequent picking that made me feel as though I had a void in between my teeth. Dr. 2 immediately referred me to a dentist. I was also tol dthat there wasno way I could avoid having a full treatment (top and bottom teeth).My overbite was so deep that I would just bite off the bottom brackets.Although the bottom was the bigger problem I would have to put brackets on teh top for a few months before I even got started on the bottom. This was news to me as Dr.1 had not said it in this way. Dr.1 did indicate that I needed both top and bottom even though 3 years previously I was told I could just do the bottom if I desired. Dr.2 also mentioned that my top teeth were stating to rotate because of the contact with the rotating bottom teeth. After giving me some more info on the treatment I was ushered to meet my 'treatment coordinator'.
The treatment coordinator presented me with a full information folder along with a free pen.LOLOL. I was then given a full powerpoint presentation on the different stages of treatment. I was given the lecture on what I would and would not be able to eat and ended off with the pricing. I was shocked to see that Dr.2 was nearly $3000 cheaper than Dr.1 for basic treatment.The ceramic treatment was also cheaper by being and extra $1000 per arch. I was starting to lean towards Dr.2 although the treatment time might be longer.I had some time as I had already decided thatnothing would be happening until after Carnival and after my birthday at the beginning of March.
I made an appointment with Dr.2 to do my records as well. I was reserving my final decision until my dentist visit. I was giving a computer generated appointment memo and sent merrily on my way.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Dr. Number One I presume...
My visit to the first orthodontist did not go as I expected. On my first visit the doctor seemed pretty thorough in terms of info and what I should expect. The bedside manner was also positive. I had only heard good things from others who had used her and was eager to visit again and get the ball rolling. Although I had another consulation line dup it was 3 weeks away and I had pretty much made up my mind that I was sticking with the first doctor. Although a little more expensive than most orthdontists in Trinidad, I was guaranteed a shorter treatment time because of the 'modern methods' they used in the practice.
Well after waiting over an hour for my scheduled appointment I was ushered into the room. The orthdontist basically greeted me and handed me an updated price listing.Of course the prices had increased over the years. I glanced at the xray screen and saw my old xrays which in profile made my teeth looked really horrible. Even the top teeth looked flared outward. I pointed out that I was concerned a particular tooth was shifting dramatically and the doctor took a brief glance into my mouth from across the desk. I was told that I could still proceed with the treatment without doing extractions.I was not placed into a dentist chair for a visual inspection nor did I take any further x rays. I was getting the feeling that I was being hurried out of the office. Although the doctor did me a 'favour' by not charging me for the visit I felt cheated out of the consultation. I had done a great deal of research on the topic and had several questions which I never got chance to ask. I certainly had not gone to the appointment expecting a free consultation. For the very least I thought I would have new xrays done to see the changes first hand.
I was instructed to schedule a follow up appointment to do my "records' which is a full plaster mould of your teeth and probably some more xrays and the 'before' pics. I left the office a little disgruntled and annoyed that I had wasted so much of my day. I don't know if the doctor felt I was not serious since this was the second time I was visiting and I was just being humoured. I certainly did not feel I got the attention I deserved as a paying customer and decided at that point that I would still pay a visit to Doctor Number 2.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Brace Face

I first got the idea in my head to get braces about 3 years ago after I graduated university. By this time my wisdom teeth had come out and I assume this is part of the reason my teeth started shifting.My mom was very supportive as she has been convinced that it was my thumb sucking as a child that had come back to haunt me. At that time I scheduled a consulation with a reputable orthodontist. During the consultation I took xrays and was told that my teeth could be corrected without the need for extractions in about 15months. I was suprised to see that the cost of my treatment would be approximately $20000 +. This all depended on whether or not i chose the regular metal braces or the ceramic braces (tooth coloured) which incurred a higher cost. The ceramic braces cost $1800 extra per arch and are preferred choice for adult patients as they are less noiceable (not invisable). At the time I was concerned about going back to school for my Masters' Degree and was working in a job that was well below what I should have been earning. I also did not own a vehicle which was a purchase that was personally important to me. I knew my parents weren't going to front any of the money.For that reason I decided to post pone the treatment until I found a better job.