So i stopped off at the ortho Friday to get my ligatures changed for the wedding I had to attend yesterday. Although I had advised the receptionist that i was coming in and the reason, the ortho assistants asked me what my emergency was. To which I responded,"I need to look fabulous and I can't do so with yellowed ligs". So the change took a minute if so much.They actually asked me if i wanted a colour to match my dress to which i responded, " Hells no".I then asked the ortho about my appointment on Monday to get my lower brackets. I was shocked when she told me that I would NOT be getting the self litigating brackets because it would not match the prescription she had in place for me. It was only after I left that I realised that the brackets I have further to the back of my teeth don't have ligatures. So if those are not self litigating then what are they? Hmmm I need to ask her again.
In regards to the wedding,the brackets definitely were not my favourite accesory. I was dressed to kill but I still felt a bit self conscious. I was not self conscious when I first got them , I guess cause the people who had already seen me with them were closer friends who already knew I was getting them so it was no big deal. Last week I got a visit from a friendly collegue who stopped by my desk on his way out from a meeting at my office and after a while of chit chat he came out and asked me if I always had braces. When I told him no, he said he figured as much cause I was playing with them as I was talking. I think I was actually trying to hide them as I knew I had curry that day and they were even yellower than before! YUCK! Then at the hairdresser Saturday morning another acquaintance asked me the same thing. Which again just made me feel like I was getting my close up on national t.v. I don't mind people asking when its a constructive comment. Cause to me the only point of asking about them is if you are interested in the process or getting them yourself. By just stating/asking, "Oh you got braces" and saying nothing further is just pointing out the obvious. So its better if you just say nothing at all, you already figured out I have them on all by yourself.
So after getting some shots to my ego, I get to the wedding and the best man asks me like 5 times throughout the reception why I have braces. The first few times I was with a friend and I figured it was a rhetorical question cause to me it pretty self explanatory WHY you have braces. Then he was like 'Oh, so cause everybody getting married now and you run out to get braces." I guess this was on account that its a general consensus that my boyfriend is eventually going to marry me (hint hint honey). Of course this has been in the back of my mind, more because I don't want to have jacked up teeth when the wedding day does come period (regardless of who I end up marrying).It certainly was not the reason I got braces. Then later on when I was with my boyfriend , the guy again asked why I had braces. By then he was asking my boyfriend more than me cause I was not really entertaning him. My boyfriend also ignored him at a first cause then he would start talking about something else and then somehow go back to my braces. I think my boyfriend eventually got a bit annoyed and snapped at him, "Why the hell do you think she got braces? The same reason you did!". I had to bit my tongue to keep from laughing scandalously. I had no idea the guy ever had braces. The guy seemed a bit stung but went on to explain that he got braces cause he had an incisor in the roof of his mouth so he had little choice but he had never seen anything wrong with my teeth so he could not understand what the purpose was. I think I was a bit more sympathetic once I heard he used to have braces and had that bad a problem. So I told him that my top teeth did not really need fixing but my bottom did. Then he was like 'but you only have on the top'. (Sigh) Then I had to explain that I had to open my bite to get the bottom installed. Thankfully after I explained he seemed satisfied enough to stop harping on it and did not ask me anything about it for the rest of the night.
The damage was already done however and I felt like I had flashing lights on my teeth for the rest of the night. Funnily enough after having a few drinks, my sensitivity increased and I felt like I wanted to rip them out my mouth.Before I got my upper bracket installation appointment I was actually considering scheduling it for after the wedding so I would not have them for the occasion.It so happens I got my spacers unexpectedly early and was forced to install earlier than expected. When I had accepted that I would have to go to the wedding with my braces whether I liked it or not, I was again relieved that the ortho would not be doing my lowers until after.Then I got to thinking why the hell was I so concerned about that in the first place? Why was I postponing my treatment on account of what other people may (or may not) think? At one point I told myself I to just shake it off because at the end of the day my teeth will be absolutely perfect so to hell with what everyone else has to say. My teeth will be perfect for my wedding so I really should not care how it looks at theirs. Anyhow you take it, I have another wedding to go to next month and I will definitely be fully braced so let everyone else better deal with it.