I must tell you, braces are really boring. Nothing much happens in between adjustments, at least not with me. I don't really get any pain or irritation in my mouth . I don't break brackets or bend archwires. Its also pretty obvious that you can't see any changes in tooth movement on a daily basis.
So I went to my second adjustment to see how things were moving along. My ortho was actually quite suprised that my teeth are moving as quickly as they are.Although they are pretty much aligned below there is still that pesky front incisor that does not want to rotate fully in place on account of that rotated molar that is taking forever to budge even one millimeter.

Nonetheless, I was able to change the archwire on my upper arch to a thicker wire. FINALLY that gap on the side will start closing up. At this rate I am hoping that I will keep my treatment time to about a year or a little more. I will actually be delighted if I get my rubber bands next visit. cause that will mean I am even closer to the end. Although every one has told me I can't avoid rubber bands I wonder if I will get away from it because I have already been told that my bite does not need any correcting. The one most annoying thing are my two upper front teeth that still seem more crooked than before I started. My ortho says we have a lot of moving around to do still, even though thats hard to believe since they aesthically look like they are almost done.
I have been compulsively flossing and picking between my bottom teeth cause I keeping thinking that there is this 1mm of plaque that is preventing that front tooth from finally just falling into place. I know I am not completely paranoid since I heard the ortho telling another patient that it does not make sense her doing anything else until she gets her teeth cleaned cause the plaque build up has suspended her progress. Thats not only whack but also gross.
As I said no discomfort, no excrutiating pain. Just playing that waiting game now.