A big woman like me now looking to correct my progressively shifting teeth Disclaimer:I am not a Doctor.If you want a professional opinion open the phone book and make an appointment.My blog,my experience,my opinion.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


So I had my latest ortho appointment last week. Little did I know that it would not be a regular change archwire and ligature day. Oh no, I was in store for much more because it was change archwire and powerchain day.

So I got my upper wire gauge changed again and a nifty set of clear powerchains at the top. The powerchains connect all the brackets on the teeth together instead of the ligatures on each individual bracket. This is to facilitate the closing of the gap and the flare. The pressure was noticeably increased as compared with the regular ligatures. I had some sensitivity when biting down for a day or two but nothing unbearable. I was shocked to see that my gap had started to close overnight. I know this because I cannot fit as much of my tongue through the space as I used to be able to.

The rotated molar at the bottom is moving slowly but surely and I can see that this will definitely be my major keep back in getting my treatment completed. The front incisor will simply not have enough room to fall into alignment if that molar takes its cool time to move where it should be. I was hoping that the incisor would have been in place by now but evidently that is not the case since I only have one powerchain. But nonetheless, powerchains mean progress and I am glad I have at least one still fairly early in the scheme of things.

One thing that kind of annoyed me was that I had a different dental assistant than what I usually have. For some reason she took it upon herself to change the colour of my bottom ligatures from smoke to bronze. (??????) It makes less sense considering the ligs on the back molars are smoke and only the ones in front are bronze. She never even asked me what I wanted or if it was ok to change them. In her opinion it may have been less obvious but in MY opinion I prefer the smoke. She also placed the CLEAR powerchain at the top (not Smoke0 so I have no idea how that will fare ove rthe next few weeks with staining.

My ortho was actually impressed at how clean I was able to keep my ligatures. I had to remind her it was only because I have forgotten to make a curry stop before teh past two appointments. So yeah, it has been about 3 months since I have had any curry. This sucks even more considering Divali and Eid are all around this time.

In other dental news my dentist's receptionist seemed to have completely ignored the fact that I need a root canal. She promised to call me to fit me in and never did. I stopped in and she had the audacity to ask me if I was 'ready'. Now I don't know if it was because she thought I did not have full payment and took it upon herself to delay my treatment even though the doctor clearly okayed partial payment. But she was definitely out of order. I have medical insurance regardless but that does not mean I enjoy pelting out $4 grand at once. So now I am pushed back again to the end of Novemeber and left up to her she might have let me wait until I come to her screaming in agony.

So onward and upward. Updated pics soon