I have actually had two appointments since my last post. The most recent one being last week. I basically did the same thing in both appointments . The first appointment resulted in me having the wire ties at the top teeth doing absolutely nothing as far as I am concerned. My bottom teeth seem to be the sticking point.The biggest change is that the archwire on my lower teeth is now square. I was told that this is the point when they start rotating your teeth roots into the correct position. I could pretty much tell that I would inevitably have to do this just by looking in the mirror. I was actually suprised at the instant pressure that this wire put on my teeth. I had some slight discomfort for the next two days which was completely new to me since I have had a pretty much pain free experience thus far. I did manage to confirm with the dental assistant that my midline was indeed a bit off but he did not seem to concerned saying that 'it will fix'. Of course this led to the next question...WHEN??? It seems that I will have to wear rubberbands at some point in time to get that sorted out. That won't be for awhile apparently cause my bottom teeth need to get with the program first. I had also deluded myself to think I could get through the whole treatment without rubberbands. This is even after my 10-year braces veteran friend told me there was no way around it.

My appointment last week was only to replace the square wire with another square wire. After having so much progression so quickly in the earlies I was kind of annoyed that the first square wire did not put things exactly where they should be in the first rounds. My ortho did say that I 'responded very well' to the wire. I keep goading her to cut more time off my sentence which she is probably sick of hearing me say. My personal new estimate is before Carnival next year lolol. Cause I don't want to play mas in braces (again). The ortho assures me that I am fooling myself, positive thoughts or not.
One of the very nice dental assistants did give me a bit of a boost cause she had not seen my teeth in a few visits and was amazed at my progress. It probably has been a bit of my own fault cause I kind of slacked off with the flossing due to my recent hectic schedule. I used to floss at least twice a day in the earlies. I read somewhere (which was confirmed by the ortho) that plaque build up restricts teeth movement and as I have previously mentioned this would have me most paranoid so that I had to keep constantly picking between my teeth. This past two months I have been really bad with it...it just takes so long. And although I am quite skilled at threading the floss under my braces without the use of implements like floss threaders, it is still a pain in the ass.
The ortho off course had to reproach me for my evil tongue piercing. I'm pretty much attached to it and have not taken it out even though I have literally had it for like nearly 10 years.I had promised to switch out the metal bar with a plastic one for the treatment but did not like how it felt.It caused more irritation than anything. I had went for a few visits with the metal one in and she never said anything about it. All of a sudden with the last two visits she is on my case! She asked me if I would pierce me eye. I was like ummm yeah ! lol! That kinda pissed her off cause she was like "NOOOO I mean your eye ball!Or your finger tips" Apparently all these areas including my tongue have all these nerve endings and sensory stuff that get messed up when you pierce it. Welll so I can't taste salt very well anymore but hey, I always liked salt. I told her that I was a lost cause and her time would be spent better scolding someone else.
I was not at all amused when I was told that my next appointment would be in two months. That sure seems like a looooong time when my tooth does not look like it has far to go. Funnily enough, it actually seems to be getting more out of alignment with my arch now that its rotating inward. When you spend as much time looking at your teeth as I do you start to see all kinds of faults. (I think I found a funny white spot today). The ortho did say we were all waiting on that one front incisor to get in line. I have no idea why its being so stubborn when it just has to nudge itself in place.So onwards and upwards I suppose.
I also go to Dr Lue Chee Lip. I've missed your updates. How is your treatment going?
Hey, what's going on with the updates? As of today, by my counting, you should have your braces off...am I right?
My adventure with braces will begin by month end. Not sure I'll be posting like you did here...but I'm sure I'll mention something ever so often.
where are your updates woman?
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