Since I was on vacation before and after Carnival and tried to squeeze as many appointments as I could during this time so I would not have to take time off work.In hindsight, this was both a good and a bad idea. I had a filling to complete and my records to do at the orthdontist the same day.
I started off at the dentist at 9:00am to get the final filling done. This went much faster than the others as it was much smaller. Somewhere along I made a comment that my other filling felt as though I always had something stuck in between, then again my teeth always feel that way.Well who tell me say that! The dentist took another look at the first filling and decided it was not 'perfect' . I ended up getting anaesthia on both sides of my face as she went back in to jook up the first filling. I certainly appreciate the thoroughness but I was not bound to get all that jook one time.Now I know why they did not let me do all the filllings in one sitting in the first place. My face was so numb that I could not even gargle the water to rinse my mouth.
I left there with about 15 minutes to spare for my next appointment. I was a bit concerned as to how I was going to be able to do the records with my face all numb. I could barely feel my face to bite down on my teeth. A hop,skip and a jump later I was at the ortho.
After checking in myself, I was quickly attended to. The xray guy was very pleasant and showed me how to stand in front of yet another full frontal x ray machine. Afterwards I took my moulds where I had the choice between peppermint,watermelon and pina colada latex. Apparently they were all out of strawberry cheesecake. The moulds are the actual impressions of your teeth as they are before treatment.I was kinda glad I did not see them finished.
Well when I thought they were done I was still leaningback in the chair.I'm thinking they still have more impressions to take. Nope! Lucky me, they were putting in my separators one time.
These are small elastic bands which are placed between the teeth to seperate them so that the metal bands can be fittted around the tooth. The bands act as the anchors for the braces in case you did not know. Well I got them in with no problem, good to go.
When I met with the receptionist to make my next appointent she gave me my appointment. I was planning for first week in April based on my budget.I was told that I was getting braces on the 7th March. Ok then!! It will definitely take some clever juggling for me to pull that off. The ceramic braces require a $9000 downpayment. If I choose ceramic uppers and metal lowers its $7500. All metal is $6000. I am in between the all ceramic and the combo but any how you take it I was not really comfortable with pelting out that money so soon. The thing is if I postpone it to be cautious about my budget I won't be able to get another appointment until 10th April when my Ortho come back from vacation. I will also have to get these separators taken out as I can't have them in for that length of time. Decisions decisions. I decided to keep in the separators and work it out and then cancel and come back in for removal if I changed my mind.
I left the dentist very well.I went to the beach , yam down a bake and shark. Somewhere along I realised the anaesthia was wearing off. Boy, its that when the pain started. My separators are really uncomfortable.It uncomfortable by itself but then I have these fillings that are sensitive as well.I not even sure anymore what really causing the pain.The separators feel gross when I bite my teeth together cause it literally feels like you biting into a rubber band. Thats in addition to the fact that I have an almost uncontrollable urge to dig them out.Again, they feel like boulder betweenmy teeth.Its the teeth next to the separators feel like they want to move as well. I would HATE to have gone through this and then start over.I scheduled the records appointment not realising that they would be doing all this so soon. My hope for having a pain free birthday on Friday is out the door!Lucky me!