Yeah so this might be kinda irrelevant at this point and a bit of sidebar of the purpose of this blog. But let me tell you, if you ever want to lose 10 pounds for say...Carnival....then get lot sof dental work done and even get braces!
No seriously, my mouth still hurting me. Four days after separators...When I am talking or doing nothing its ok. But when I apply any sort of pressure to my teeth i.e biting or closing my jawor EATING it is extremely uncomfortable. Right now I can even tell the difference between filling pain and separator pain. Is just pain all round. I watching food whole day with longing. I so doh want to even try to eat anything cause its a hassle!It take me half hour to eat a sandwich just becauseI have to chew in slow motion. Its just too much trouble.By the time I finish my jaw hurting more from all the chewing!I not even tryimg to eat harder foods. But think about it..those are the ones that are more fattening.If I was on a diet I would be on easy street.Itreally is more discomfort than pain but lawd aye. This is what I have to go thru every month with them braces??NAH! Every time I get it in my head to just say to hell with it and look to pull out the separators I get a good look at my crooked bottom teeth and change my mind. Boy I have a loong road ahead of me.
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