A big woman like me now looking to correct my progressively shifting teeth Disclaimer:I am not a Doctor.If you want a professional opinion open the phone book and make an appointment.My blog,my experience,my opinion.

Friday, February 16, 2007


Sigh so bright and early I went to the dentist to have the larger cavity filled.(The two in one stunner). Thankfully they move on time so I did not have to wait long. I got into see the dentist within 5 minutes there.

As I sat on the dentist's chair the doctor warned me that the cavity is usually more advanced than what the xrays show. I may have actually had to do a root canal!! OUCH!! You think anyone at my age should have that going on in their mouth?? You know that just got me even more pissed off at the Ortho Dr.1 .How the hell they could not see the gorge that was forming in my mouth???

So after getting some nice drugs and some fancy equipment buzzing around my head. I had the cavity filled. It was much less painless than I imagined it to me. Doh mind I was tensed up almost the entire time she was in my mouth. I was also given a block to bite down on to keep my mouth open. I was too embarrassed to look to see what I did to the block. The impressions I left might have been able to cut through the block itself. The time flew quickly but I could tell she had her work cut out for her.Fortunately I avoided the root canal. I was advised that I would have to monitor it cause it could eventually become one. I opted for the tooth coloured fillings since I already had enough metal in my mouth due to my experience with another slightly suspect dentist. I got large metal fillings before where a cavity was not even visible with the naked eye!

So after a little over and hour I was done and talking like an idiot. I winced as the receptionist took my money.A grand gone easy easy. LAWD! And ppl complain about the cost of dental work in the states! I must say though, I can't even tell where the cavity is, the match was excellent

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